One-stop prescription glasses retail and wholesale of all eyewear related products

Yellow Eyeglass Frames for Men and Women

Are you looking to add a pop of color to your everyday look? Look no further, as now is the perfect time to buy yellow eyeglasses that suit both men and women! Our acetate yellow eyeglasses are crafted with quality and style in mind, offering a bright and fashionable statement piece for your eyewear collection. These frames are durable, lightweight, and hypoallergenic, ensuring all-day comfort. Whether you're upgrading your professional attire or just looking to stand out in the crowd, our yellow frames will not disappoint. Embrace a bold new look today with our vibrant selections!


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Hey there, savvy shoppers! If you’re on the hunt for the perfect pair of online prescription glasses, we’ve got some fantastic news for you. We know how crucial it is for you to be absolutely thrilled with your purchase, and that’s why we’re rolling out not just a 14-Day Fit and Style Guarantee, but a rock-solid 12-Month Guarantee overall!

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Cleaning yellowed eyeglasses involves a few straightforward steps. You may try the following methods to remove the yellow tint:

  1. General Cleaning:

    • Wash and dry your hands thoroughly to avoid transferring dirt to the lenses.
    • Rinse your eyeglasses under a gentle stream of lukewarm water to remove any surface debris.
    • Apply a small drop of lotion-free dishwashing liquid to each lens. Make sure the dishwashing liquid doesn’t contain any lotions as this can leave a film on the lenses.
    • Gently rub both sides of the lenses and all parts of the frame for a few seconds.
    • Rinse the glasses again to remove soap suds and residue.
    • Shake off any excess water and carefully dry your glasses with a clean, lint-free towel. It’s best to use a towel that has not been laundered with fabric softener or dryer sheets, which can smear the lenses.
    • Use a clean microfiber cloth to remove any streaks or residual spots.
  2. For Stubborn Yellow Stains:

    • Vinegar Solution: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water, and use this solution to rub the lenses with your fingers gently. Then, rinse the glasses thoroughly.
    • Rubbing Alcohol: A small amount of rubbing alcohol applied to a microfiber cloth can be used to wipe down the glasses but use it sparingly to avoid damage to any lens coating.
    • Toothpaste: Non-abrasive toothpaste applied to a clean microfiber cloth can sometimes buff out yellow stains. After gently rubbing, rinse the glasses thoroughly.
  3. Specialized Cleaners:

    • If DIY solutions do not work, consider using a lens cleaner designed to tackle yellowing. These are available at optical stores or pharmacies.
  4. Professional Cleaning:

    • If the yellowing persists or if you are unsure about using household products, seek professional cleaning from an optician.

Be careful as some lens treatments and coatings can be damaged by certain cleaners. Never use products that contain bleach or abrasives. Always rinse and dry your glasses carefully to prevent water spots.

Please note that if the yellowing is due to the age or material of the lenses, such as old plastic that has discolored over time, it may not be possible to remove this tint entirely. In such cases, the best solution would be to replace the lenses.

Yellow-tinted eyeglasses can be suitable for night driving for several reasons:

  1. Enhanced Contrast: Yellow-tinted lenses are known to enhance contrast in low-light conditions. This contrast enhancement can make it easier to discern objects in the dark, helping drivers to see more clearly and react to potential hazards more quickly.

  2. Reduced Glare: Yellow lenses can reduce glare from oncoming headlights or streetlights. Glare can be a significant issue when driving at night, causing temporary blindness or distraction. The yellow tint helps to filter out the blue light that is typically associated with high glare.

  3. Blue Light Reduction: Blue light has a short wavelength and scatters more easily, which can increase light dispersion and blurriness. It’s particularly prevalent in artificial light sources, such as LED or fluorescent lights. By reducing the amount of blue light entering the eyes, yellow glasses can diminish this scattering effect, potentially reducing eye strain and improving clarity.

  4. Improved Visual Acuity: Some drivers may experience sharpened visual acuity with yellow-tinted lenses at dusk or dawn, times when the lighting conditions are changing rapidly.

  5. Adverse Weather Conditions: In addition to nighttime conditions, yellow tinted glasses can also help to improve visibility in fog, haze, or other adverse weather conditions that might occur during the night.

Despite these potential benefits, it’s important to note that not all drivers may experience the same level of improvement with yellow-tinted glasses, and in some cases, they may not be effective. Furthermore, if the glasses are too dark, they could potentially reduce visibility by limiting the amount of light reaching the eyes. It’s also worth mentioning that the scientific community does not fully agree on the benefits of yellow-tinted lenses for night driving. Therefore, it’s always best to try them in a safe environment before relying on them for night driving to ensure they work for you.

The appropriateness of yellow-tinted glasses for night driving can also be a matter of personal preference and the specific driving conditions. As such, it’s recommended to consult with an eye care professional to determine if yellow-tinted glasses would be beneficial for your specific needs.

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